Localization Suite » News http://www.loc-suite.org Blog for the Localition Suite Thu, 05 Mar 2015 15:38:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.4.1 Hi there, Mountain Lion http://www.loc-suite.org/2012/07/hi-there-mountain-lion/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2012/07/hi-there-mountain-lion/#comments Thu, 12 Jul 2012 21:46:13 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/?p=168 I just published Version 12.7 through Sparkle. Not so much new stuff, however quite a ton of fixes with large projects, concurrency and especially Mountain Lion. Go check it out and let me know what you think!


http://www.loc-suite.org/2012/07/hi-there-mountain-lion/feed/ 16
Localization Suite 12.3 http://www.loc-suite.org/2012/03/localization-suite-12-3/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2012/03/localization-suite-12-3/#comments Fri, 23 Mar 2012 20:50:14 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/?p=164 It’s been a very very long time since the last update. This makes me even happier to announce that I finally managed to get the latest changes out via Sparkle. Here are the release notes:


  • Lion autosave and version support
  • Ignoring certain placeholder string
  • Automatic Xcode Project Import


  • Added support for the ibtool shipped in Xcode 4.3
  • Strings and TXT files now retain the encoding of the original
  • Improved language reimport to not touch disabled keys and leave translations that are equal to the reference
  • Xcode export replaces the project file only when actually making changes


  • Inactive keys are no longer included in key count
  • Added menu command to delete a translation
  • File content now allows multiple selection
  • The “Mark as” buttons now act on the selection of the visible items


  • The Localization Manager help now works as it should
  • Backups of files with a “.” name prefix are now stored correctly
  • Interface preview works again on Lion
  • Localization Dictionary con import Manager files again
http://www.loc-suite.org/2012/03/localization-suite-12-3/feed/ 0
We have a release… http://www.loc-suite.org/2011/04/we-have-a-release/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2011/04/we-have-a-release/#comments Tue, 05 Apr 2011 14:14:49 +0000 admin http://www.loc-suite.org/?p=160 Hey fellows,

I know it’s been quite silent the last months. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of stuff like moving flats, starting a book, writing a diploma thesis, becoming father and so on that kept me very very busy. And that was the reason the Localization Suite had to step back for a few moments. However no longer!

I’m proud to announce the first “final” release in years. No beta, no release candidate. Just a plain release. As I announced previously, I switched the version numbers to something that made more sense for the kind of continuous development cycle I have. From now on, versions will be named by their release date: .. So the version to be released today will be called “11.4″.

I actually have the feeling that a version 11 does indeed suite the amount of features I added throughout the last few years. For this release, there are a couple of very big ones:

  • Automatic Xcode Integration
  • A completely re-done preference architecture
  • Consistency checks in the database
  • Better multi-user support
  • Compressed file formats
  • String file mimicking the original
  • Editing english strings
  • And tons of bug fixes

You can find the full release notes of the Localization Manager 11.4 here. So no time be wasted — get the newest version though Sparkle or manually now!

I am eagerly waiting for feedback!

http://www.loc-suite.org/2011/04/we-have-a-release/feed/ 2
How automatic layout works http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/07/how-automatic-layout-works/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/07/how-automatic-layout-works/#comments Thu, 08 Jul 2010 10:42:11 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/?p=152 Unfortunately I have been very busy the last weeks in doing other things than the Loc-Suite. This is kind of the problem with side-projects.

However, I want to share something with you that has been lying around here for quite some time now. As a reader of the blog you should know that I am working on an automatic layouting approach for Max OS (and maybe later iPhone) interfaces.

Here is how it works!

I know this is lengthy and there’s some blah-blah surrounding the actual work — it’s been kind of my bachelor thesis, so that had to be. Also it’s not the description of the state-of-the-art since I did a couple of improvements since. The core, however, is still the same.

I am looking forward to getting feedback. Let me know what you think!

http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/07/how-automatic-layout-works/feed/ 2
Labeling it RC http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/06/labeling-it-rc/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/06/labeling-it-rc/#comments Fri, 04 Jun 2010 11:42:13 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/blog/?p=149 Just a quick heads up: I labeled the latest nightly build to be a release candidate. 3.0rc. Finally. This is the official end of beta phases – at least for version 3.0.

Right now I’m sitting in my plane to WWDC waiting for taxi. If any one would like to meet – just drop me a line to max@loc-suite.org.


PS: If you were quick and already grabbed the update yesterday, please check again. I just fixed a crash most of you might experience.

http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/06/labeling-it-rc/feed/ 0
The most gorgeous Icons. Ever. http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/05/the-most-gorgeous-icons-ever/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/05/the-most-gorgeous-icons-ever/#comments Thu, 27 May 2010 21:43:48 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/blog/?p=118 Well, I don’t want to say too much. An icon is worth a thousand words. But put simply, these are amongst the most gorgeous application icons I’ve ever seen. Peter did such an amazing job here. So here they are:

The names of the apps should be obvious, but for completeness sake, here they are: Localization Manager, Localization Dictionary and Localizer.

I have to say like a few thousand thank-you’s to the great guys over at Boinx Software for sponsoring them! Here’s a link to their site, be sure to check out their fabulous apps!

And at least equally as important is Peter Schlossnikel, the fantastic designer who spent loads of hours and sweat on creating the best possible result. Peter, we’ll have a beer when we meet the next time!

Leave some comments on what you think!

PS: Peter is currently in the verge of finishing up the website design. It’ll probably launch as early as next week. So stay tuned!

http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/05/the-most-gorgeous-icons-ever/feed/ 1
Automatic Resizing http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/05/automatic-resizing/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/05/automatic-resizing/#comments Mon, 10 May 2010 20:28:26 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/blog/?p=111 Hello all, it’s time again for a roundup on what’s happening to Loc-Suite these days. Very busy days. Very busy days. Basically, I completed my Beleg (like a Bachelor Thesis) about automatic application of layout during localizations. What this means? You will never-ever-ever-again have to manually resize a nib file after localization. Okay, it’s not never, but hopefully many-times ;-)

I have invested lots of time into this particular feature, which I think is the major (technical) problem of Mac localization. From the preview I showed in in this post, there were like a zillion of problems to be solved. Things became more complex that I imagined. However, finally it seems to work pretty well on some examples.

Here is one of these working examples:

This is a preview of an interface in one of my test tools. Basically this is what you’ll also see in the Manager or Localizer. So now, let’s put in some German dummy-text:

The interface has now been adjusted to fit all texts as good as possible. The former Cancel button had to extend in width and hence the Yes button had to do so, too. The approach will work with more complex windows as well, but this simple example shows the effects already quite well.

One of the things I’ve (thought of for weeks but) implemented just today is the red box you see there. I defined an arbitrary fixed width for the window. Without this definition, it would have extended in width.

I will eventually publish my work (maybe also here) and disclose the full details of how this process works. For now there’s only the user’s view. If you like, you can download a nightly build of a layout-enabled Localization Manager. As always – just go here and grab the “Localization Manager Layout”.

Next up will be to make the process ready for the big stage. There are some essential things still missing or buggy. If this is done, I will merge the layout into the main branch, publishing it to all developers.

I am pretty excited, and would love to hear some feedback.
Have fun, Max

PS: Is someone of you going to WWDC this year? I’ll be there. Maybe we can meet…

http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/05/automatic-resizing/feed/ 2
Changes and Features http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/03/changes-and-features/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/03/changes-and-features/#comments Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:02:49 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/blog/?p=108 It’s about time to post an update on my recent work in the Localization Suite. Lately, I have been implementing a major architectural change that we very long overdue: Switching the database files to a bundle-based format. Here’s the details:

Bundle-based documents: The previous file format of the databases (the files you edit in the Manager, suffix .ldb) was a keyed archived file. The problems are obvious: as it’s binary, no diffs can be made for version control system, all contents have to be uploaded on every commit and one cannot have a look inside. Additionally, if you wanted to store extra files (like backups of the reference language files needed for incremental localization), they would have to be encoded and stored inside this archived object tree, unnecessarily increasing file size.
This is different now: storing the projects as bundles allows the file to separate the actual contents (like objects, indexes, data) from the auxiliary information like backups or attachments (see later). This format is somewhat like the already present Localizer bundle format, where these things were already kept separate.

File versions: One major drawback of the old format was that only one version of backed-up files could be stored. This is very problematic for incremental localization, where you need the exact old reference file for each language variant. When now two localized files are based on different versions of the reference file, we have to store the backups for both versions. This is now possible in the current file format, resulting in much better results of “Synchronize”.

Attachments: Now that the file format allows auxiliary files to be stored separately, it is also possible to have additional information persisted. A long-requested feature was the ability to attach additional media files to key object. These could be for example images of strings being used in context. Imagine having a progress sheet where the status text is loaded dynamically. Currently, the context was only able to be conveyed using comments describing where and how it’s used. However, in some applications not only the context, but also the sizing is important — take the iPhone. You’re now able to attach a screen shot to the key objects for the displayed strings, allowing the translator to get a better view on how it will be used and how much space he or she has.

All these features are available in the current nightly build. So much for today, read you soon.

http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/03/changes-and-features/feed/ 0
About Dictionaries http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/01/about-dictionaries/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/01/about-dictionaries/#comments Wed, 27 Jan 2010 17:59:53 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/blog/?p=85 It must have been nearly a year since I have been posting about the Localization Dictionary and that it will get made up very soon. Soooo now has finally the day come to announce that I made it. Here’s a little screenshot: (yeha)

There are a few significant changes. Here are the major features/changes:

  • Imports .lod, .ldb, .loc, .ad and .xlf files!
  • Dictionaries can be limited to some languages
  • Normalization on a language to reduce size
  • Very fast file import, many performance improvements
  • Searching finally works

And so on… Next up in a few days is exporting – to TMX and as Dictionary. Read you soon!

http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/01/about-dictionaries/feed/ 0
Working on Interoperability http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/01/working-on-interoperability/ http://www.loc-suite.org/2010/01/working-on-interoperability/#comments Sat, 23 Jan 2010 12:00:45 +0000 max http://www.loc-suite.org/blog/?p=79 Just a quick update on what has happened recently: I added support for both the XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format 1.2) and the TMX (Translation Memory eXchange 1.4) standards to the framework. This now allows developers on a Mac to exchange a localization project using XLIFF, as well enables translators and localizers to use their existing glossaries using TMX. A nice side note: as the standards for both formats support embedded RTF content, the Localization Suite added this support as well.

If you get the latest nightly build of the Localization Manager, a new export and import command for XLIFF will have appeared. The support for TMX is not yet visible, as this will be available in Localization Dictionary only. Therefor, I will have to finally make the app work again – which I am doing right now. So stay tuned.

BTW: The recent nightly builds also sport a set of bug fixes and minor improvements to make things work a bit smoother. An update via Sparkle will hopefully come soon.

Have a nice weekend, Max

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